Dungeon Royale Board Game

Created by Gatwick Games/Dungeon Royale!

A video game turned board game, first game "cartridge" of the series to come. Full of death, stealing, heroes and dragons. If you were late to the Kickstarter game, you can still pre-order the game until we begin fulfillment. The Classic Dungeon Royale (Grey Box) will no longer be available once pre-orders have ended.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

RACEKART RIOT NEARING THE END!!! 1 Stretch goal to go
about 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 05:16:26 AM

Hey Dungeon Royale Fam,

We are less than 48 hours until the end of Racekart Riot's kickstarter! If you guys want some more retro board gaming in your life then you definitely need this crazy racing game in your life. We wanted to run through some of the stuff that is included in the kickstarter for those that haven't been following it that closely.

Upgraded Dungeon Royale box ($5 add on in pledge manager)

For all of you backers, you know that as cool as the Dungeon Royale box is, it has some flaws. We have fixed these flaws and are offering them in the add-ons section of the Racekart Riot kickstarter. Check out the video below for our first sample of the box. This one is Racekart Riot but the Dungeon Royale box will be the same!

Double sided board (Redbane's Castle - side 1) (Beach (racetrack name pending) - side 2)

-Each map offers some fun variability in gameplay and scenery. See images below!

Also included in the base game is 6 characters with miniatures (see campaign for details about each of them)! Each character has their own character board and cards. We have one last stretch goal to hit to unlock EVIL EYE (see image below). If unlocked he will added in to the base game! Only $9k more to hit this last stretch goal!

Expansion (new racetrack and 2 new characters - $15 add on)

The Expansion was unlocked as an add on and will include a new Rainbow Racetrack and two new characters (one making a comeback from Dungeon Royale):

All this and more on if you click on https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/racekart-riot/racekart-riot-board-game-2-in-the-retro-game-series.

Even if the racing style game isn't your jam, you can always pledge $5 to select the upgraded box, or the print and play version. Any questions send them our way, but we'd love for you to join us on this adventure :D


Gatwick Games!

We just launched & Bonuses for 1st Day Backers
about 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 12:59:04 PM

If you haven't seen, we just launched a few minutes ago and we're already at $4k!! Click this link https://bit.ly/2Tdy11L to check it out!

AND we have some goodies/Day 1 exclusives we wanted to clue you in on:

Goodie #1: Free, Dungeon Royale Box Upgrade. The New Racecart Riot Box will be bigger and sturdier. Get a matching (bigger & sturdier) Dungeon Royale box to up your shelf game if you back Racecart Riot in the first 24 hours.

*Note: If you don't want a new box, check out the exclusive coin option!

Goodie #2: Early Bird pricing: $39, $34 for Early birds. There will only be 300 Early Bird slots so make sure you're quick to the trigger!

Much Love,

Gatwick Games Team

over 4 years ago – Sun, Sep 06, 2020 at 07:11:30 PM

The Gatwick Games team has been hard at work to bring you the next installment in the Retro series! What started with Dungeon Royale will only get better as you race around crazy tracks in Racekart Riot as characters like Redbane and Jinxst!

Racekart Riot has all of the mayhem that you would expect from your favorite racing games and old school video games! Follow us closely for the next month and a half as we dive deeper in to the components, game play, and artwork as we prepare to launch on kickstarter late October!

We are so excited for this game so we wanted to show off a sneak peak of Redbane to kick things off!

Comment below on what characters and items you hope will make it in to the game!

Do Sum' Good & Sneak Peek into DR2!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 03:07:11 AM

Wow!! Boy has it been a crazy last few weeks… And we hope & pray that you are all well.

But despite current events, one of the joys of being in the game business is that given these weird circumstances, games have this magical power to unlock so much of what’s good about the world. Many are working from home/quarantining in doors, and while that can stink, it’s not all bad. It can be an opportunity to play, have fun, learn something new, and connect with the people who are most important to us! Which is really what Gatwick’s been all about since the day we started.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Our thoughts and prayers go out to any of you or your family members who have been affected physically, emotionally, and financially. I want to be careful not to belittle anyone’s challenges, but with the challenge of every quest comes an opportunity to make a difference.

For us, we have a couple projects trying to do good in our small corner of the world (nothing world changing...yet😉) and would love to invite this community to find just one way, even if it’s small, to spread some good at a time when our friends, family, or neighbors could all really use it.

Let’s Get Down to Business 

Rules FAQ

Many have requested a Rules FAQ to help clarify common questions. So our guy Wes pulled through for us all and created one🙌. Here’s the google doc link to the rules FAQ. We made it a google doc for now so we can continue to add to it. Feel free to add any questions in the comments if you feel we missed any.

DR Round 2 Naming Continued...!

After the last update we received some great submissions of names for our next Kickstarter game! You guys/gals are seriously so awesome👏! We asked for feedback on a number of your names to try to narrow it down and here were some of the favorites (All are awfully amazing alliterations!😉) :

  • Racekart Riot
  • Racekart Rumble
  • Kart Chaos
  • Racekart Royale
  • Last Lap

Share your favorites in the comments below or submit more ideas! Also, this is a meritocracy so… may the best idea win!!

Spread the Love

For those of you who have enjoyed playing the game and want to share the love with others, feel free to leave an honest review on Board Game Geek (BGG). Here’s the link to the BGG page. You do have to create a quick account but BGG is an amazing resource anyways so I’d highly recommend creating an account and getting involved/using it as a reference to find other amazing games!

Sneak Peek!👀

We have a few games in the works right now but we’re making progress on our next Kickstarter so we wanted to give you all an inside look into a preliminary mock-up of the box design!

Shout out to Anthony Trigdell and others who submitted some great ideas for the box design! What do y'all think?

Damaged/Game Replacements

At this point we have 98+% of backers who have either received their game in satisfactory condition or received a replacement for any damaged boxes/broken parts.  We are very very sorry to the 50 or so backers (mostly international) who are still awaiting their replacement games. However we do have an update for you:

Some of our Kickstarter inventory was misplaced at the warehouse (we can’t seem to catch a break...🙄) so we’ve been working to resolve the issue to ensure that every backer receives their Kickstarter special edition game in satisfactory condition.

Good News!: The games are currently on their way to NJ! Because our NJ warehouse specializes in international shipments, we had to ship the games from our Provo Warehouse to NJ (otherwise it would cost a fortune). Once they receive the games, they should be turning those around quickly and you’ll have a tracking number. But keep in mind everything shipping related is slower right now because of Coronavirus.

With that we'll call it a wrap! Stay safe everyone and have a great week!

Much Love 💌,

Wes and Brad

Dungeon Royale Round 2 & Other Business
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 12:20:56 AM

1 down 1 to go

One quick but important item of business: After a long journey and against all odds, our dear friend Wes, my partner in crime, and mastermind behind Dungeon Royale leveled up last week and got hitched!! 👏🙌🤵👰💍🎉☝️

Wes and his beautiful bride Cydnee

We’re so stoked for him!!! So feel free to direct any love, tributes, memes, or posi-vibes his way. Unfortunately for him, I write the updates so here’s my tribute to my dear friend and business partner:

Wes mid-game creation😉 #catspiration

Hopefully Brad can get his act together and follow suit with his girlfriend in the not too distant future.🙄

Game Time

Ok, as exciting as a ‘guy you don’t really know who sometimes responds to your Fb questions’ getting married is, time to get on to the real exciting stuff!

Installation 2 of the Retro Handheld Series is under way and we’d love for everyone to come along for the ride! (pun intended… it’s a racing game😉)

Game Name

As we’ve eluded to in the past, Round 2 (or lap 2 anyone…?) will be a racing game, maybe even a go-kart style game🤭. But other than referring to it as “Round 2”, we don’t have a name for it yet. So we’d love your help! What are your suggestions for what to name the 2nd cartridge in the Retro Handheld Series?

Box Color: 1 Down, 1 to go

We’re keeping with the spirit of the two different box colors but we’re still nailing down the 2nd color. The grey, “classic” box is here to stay, but we’re still deciding on the 2nd box color and would love to hear your suggestions/input?

3,2,1 Go!😉

Crossing the Finish-Line on Dungeon Royale🏁

For those waiting for replacement pieces/boxes, most of you should have received a shipping notification. HOWEVER, we do still have a few shipments left (mostly in the US) that we are processing so hang tight till Friday. If you haven’t received a tracking number by EOD Friday, reach out to [email protected] and she’ll get you taken care of.

Also, because it’s a replacement, we were able to set it up so there would be no customs charges for international replacement orders. If for some reason you are charged customs for your replacement order, reach out and we’ll get you taken care of. (note: only applies to replacements)

Thanks again for all of your support! … and for putting up with all of my terrible puns...🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Much love 💌

Wes and Brad